Weekly Email Submission

Please complete the form below to submit content for the weekly email or Community Events section of the TBS website.  The deadline for the weekly email is Tuesday by 12pm.  Content more than 4 weeks prior to an event will not be included, unless it is a temple fundraiser or an exception has been made by the Temple Administrator. Content will go in chronological order (except temple fundraisers).  

Weekly Email Submission

  • 30 Characters
  • Make sure to include time, date and all relevant information (including Zoom information if including). Please include RSVP information, contact information for the event, and a deadline for RSVP (if appropriate). Maximum characters is 550. DEADLINE FOR ALL CONTENT IS TUESDAY BY 5PM (except during holiday weeks, please ask the temple office for the deadline).
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Do you have a photo or graphic you would like to include? Upload here.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    If you would like to include a flyer upload here.
  • Please provide email for any questions that the office staff may have.
  • Please provide website address here if want to include a link to a website.