Temple Beth Shalom is well known for its excellent Religious School, which has over 100 students from Kindergarten through Confirmation.
In order to enroll in Religious School, your family needs to be a member of Temple Beth Shalom.
If you register after the first day of Religious School tuition is not pro-rated.
Makhela (student chorus) is open to students in grades 2-7. Makhela regularly participates at Friday night services and occasionally performs for other special programs and venues. Makhela is a fun and rewarding activity, and is now recruiting for new and returning members!
The Religious School of Temple Beth Shalom seeks to provide a Jewish education to students from kindergarten through high school, which will foster knowledge of Reform Judaism and of Jewish traditions; understanding and love of Torah; familiarity with the Hebrew language; a strong sense of identity with Israel and the Jewish community; and a solid foundation for a lifelong commitment to practicing and studying Judaism and the teachings of the Torah.
For more information about our school program call the temple office at 410-757-0552.