The Primary Program provides an introduction to Temple Beth Shalom and to Judaism on Sunday mornings. Students learn key concepts related to Torah, holidays, the synagogue, mitzvot, and everyday Jewish life through multisensory and developmentally appropriate learning experiences. Although the formal Hebrew curriculum does not begin until Grade 4, students are also exposed to the Aleph Bet beginning in kindergarten and will learn all their letters and vowels by the end of Grade 3.
Special activities include music, school-wide assemblies and activities. Each grade will participate in a Friday Night Shabbat Family Service once during the year as well as a grade-specific Mishpacha (Family) Education Program. Through our Primary Program, students will receive a solid foundation for future learning and foster a strong sense of Jewish identity within the Jewish community.
The Intermediate Program at Temple Beth Shalom continues the Jewish journey of our middle grade students on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Students study Torah (Bible), Jewish values, life cycle events, Jewish history, and Israel. Grade 4 also begins the formal study of Hebrew prayer, so that each student is prepared for Bar/Bat Mitzvah and further participation in Jewish ritual life. Special activities include t’fillot (prayer) on Sunday mornings and school-wide assemblies and activities.
Each grade will participate in a Friday Night Shabbat Family Service once during the year as well as a grade-specific Mishpacha (Family) Education Program.
We also encourage our Grade 4–7 students to attend several Shabbat and holiday services throughout the school year, so that students are prepared to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Our Upper School Program recognizes that as young Jewish adults, our oldest students need opportunities to discover what it means to live a Jewish life post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Through a variety of chugim (electives) held Wednesday evenings, students may select classes that speaks to their personal interests and enrich their understanding of Judaism. Chugim change each semester, but past classes have included Jewish cooking, Jewish film, Current Event/Hot Topics, History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Famous Jewish Celebrities.
10th Grade Students also participate in Confirmation, an experience unique to the Religious School. Taught in alternate weeks, students discuss contemporary issues related to Reform Judaism through engagement with concepts drawn from articles and ancient texts. Confirmation culminates with a Friday night dinner and ceremony in the sprin
Students 8 and above are invited to join our Madrichim program. A great leadership opportunity for our oldest students, madrichim assist our teachers in K–7 classrooms on Sunday mornings.
For more information call the temple office at 410-757-0552.